LP: LICENSE TO DIVE by Desacatyl

Company: Self-Released

Role: Musician, Producer, Designer

For years, I daydreamed about making my Weezer-Nirvana-Beach Boys album. So when the pandemic hit, I decided to go for it. Making this album was fun, but it also provided a much-needed mental health break during a stressful year. Desacatyl started in 2020 and continues to this day. I play all of the instruments, sing, and write the songs. LICENSE TO DIVE was recorded entirely to Pro Tools at home.

The design uses 1990s imagery (a photo of two dancing ladies from my high school yearbook; a hand-drawn false metal logo) to complement the 1990s-era music. This was a digital-only release, so there’s no physical version.

Some guy on YouTube said: “Great album. There’s a definite early Weezer sound.”

Stream and purchase LICENSE TO DIVE.